Clan founded:


Hungarian AoK (:TC) clan, founded in the good ol` 2001 (07/05)

Founder members:
  • dolcezig
  • mole
  • snatch
  • wordklassz.
Later new players joined:
  • spawn: 11/06/2001
  • kari: 10/06/2002
  • ohz_: 06/xx/2006
  • don_gotti: 02/07/2008
  • xNorbi: 02/07/2008

Some notes:
We were and we are not a pro clan, we play only for fun, and sadly: not very often. Mainly we play inside the clan, we were not a big "zoners", while it existed. And that's true on igz too: only a few of our members are active or even registered. (with our new members this ratio is moved to a positive value )
In the past we had a few gamers, who weared the [KX] tag, they were very good gamers, but unfortunatelly they were not official clan members.
The clan members know each other personally, but this is not a prerequisite, we decided to break this "rule" and we accepted our two new members applicant, so they are welcome in the clan. (02/07/2008)
The clan used to meet on clan-lans, there were many of this event during the years. Most of them were organised by dolcezig.

Our next LAN will be 02/20/2008 - 02/24/2008 hosted by snatch, all clan members will be welcome there.

There were two name change during the clan history: wordklassz shorten his nick to uberwk, and spawn became span.

We play or played many other games, but of course not too seriously. The uncomplete list without importance order: MoHAA series, RtCW, ET, CoD series, CMR2, GP4, LFS, NFS5, MS Carting, etc.

We are not recruiting members, we don't want to be a collector clan, but we can talk about new members join.
Leaves: we won't kick any member...of course until our member is not abusing other players...